Write For Us

Join Our SohanaGhar Family: Write with Us!

Hey there! Welcome to our cozy corner of the internet, SohanaGhar. It’s a place brimming with stories, insights about real estate. We’re all about sharing experiences that matter, and guess what? We’d love for you to be a part of this journey.

Why You’ll Love Writing for Us

Get Noticed: Your stories and ideas will reach a wide audience who appreciates good reads just like you do.

Be Part of Something Bigger: Join a community where your voice matters and can make a difference.

Grow With Us: Hone your writing skills, beef up your portfolio, and let the world know what you stand for.

What We’re Looking For

We’re all ears for stories that:

  • Spark interest, teach something new, or simply make someone’s day.
  • Are as real and original as you – no copy-pasting, please!
  • Leave our readers with a “Wow, I’m glad I read that!”

Before You Hit Send

Make sure your piece:

  • Is between 1800 to 1900 words – just enough to dive deep without losing our readers along the way.
  • Is all yours and hasn’t been shared anywhere else.
  • Is easy to read, with clear sections and headlines.
  • Includes a little bit about you at the end, so our readers know who’s behind the words.
  • Has some pics or drawings to go with your words (only if they’re yours or you have permission to use them).

Ready to Share? Here’s How

1. Got an idea? Shoot us a quick outline at admin@sohanaghar.com
2. Once we give the thumbs up, finalize your article.
3. Send it over to us.

We take the time to read every submission and will circle back within 48 hours if your piece catches our eye.

Thanks for considering joining our SohanaGhar family. We can’t wait to see what you’ve got to share!

Cheers to creating together!